1·Demonstrate ability to proactively prioritise needs, put first things first, and effectively manage resources and time.
2·Have good understanding of various digital projects production processes, demonstrate ability to work with multiple teams and deliver various scale projects.
3·You can demonstrate this process by simply turning faces upside-down, showing that our ability to pick out differences is suddenly reduced.
4·Demonstrate your personality, your charm, and your ability to communicate by speaking face-to-face.
5·Performance requirements demonstrate the ability to deliver functionality or perform tasks that support a specific policy.
6·By documenting your consistent ability to produce results and solve problems you will demonstrate your ability to produce similar results in the future.
7·By taking the time to zero in on a specific career goal and to plan an effective job search, you demonstrate to hiring managers your clarity and ability to manage projects.
8·This article explored a few APIs that demonstrate the ability to segregate functionality where necessary (timer and high-precision hrtimer APIs) as well as commonize code for code reuse (list API).
本文探索了几个 API,展示了在必要时隔离功能的能力(计时器 API 和高精确度 hrtimer API)以及编写通用代码以实现代码重用的能力(列表 API)。
9·But before we do, this, we will demonstrate the ability of being able to disconnect from the database to perform an offline join operation.
10·We will progressively add repositories to the federated repository and demonstrate the ability to view the different repositories as a logically unified repository for user and group management.